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Man Crush Monday Vibes
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Man Crush Monday Vibes

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Please don't believe the hype — men are absolutely taking care of their skin and you should be doing the same. There's nothing wrong with a taking care of yourself, we find it quite sexy actually, so let's step your sexy all the way up! Nowadays, it takes smooth skin and a full beard to be a someone’s MCM — listen I don't make the rules, but I can help you get in the game! So, if you're looking to boost your daily skincare routine, or maybe you're looking for a routine in general, Nolaskinsentials got you!

A clean foundation is where you want to start, so let's begin by throwing away the bar soap that you've been using for the past three months. Yup, toss it, we're stepping into Man Crush Monday Vibes with full commitment remember? Ok so let's begin with our Omega Kale Facial Cleanser it's perfect for clarifying your skin, balancing your PH, and fights any existing acne while keeping future breakouts at bay. A little goes a long way, so a dime size is all you'll need to cleanse, and refresh your skin.

Now that your skin is nicely cleansed, it's time to, "moisturize your situation", word to Diddy. Using our Pure Hydration Moisturizer is the next step to preserving your sexy. The tea tree oil, argan oil, and hyaluronic acid are going to soften, hydrate and give you a natural glow. Bruh, do not shy away from the glow…it can be a masculine glow if that's your thing, okay. The point is to look like a snack, a whole snack, a well-moisturized snack! So, apply the moisturizer and say it with me… GLOW! So now you're cleansed and moisturized, let's step over to what many consider the holy grail.

Where do I even begin when it comes to a full, glorious, beard? *Fans Self*

For starters, keeping your beard groomed and maintained is key. You want your beard to be soft, moisturized, and glistening at all times! But perhaps you're working with a starter beard, and there's an area that just won't connect, or it's not as full and luscious as you want it to be. Hmmm, I see your dilemma and thankfully I have just the recipe! Start by using our Quench Your Beard spray, to not only hydrate your facial hair but also tend to the underlying skin, to promote strong hair follicles. This thirst-quenching beard spray is the key to soften dry, brittle hair and will keep your beard refreshed whenever it needs a boost of hydration. Lastly, to truly step your sexy up, use our Let It Grow Beard Butter to help with your, (ahem *whispers*) struggle beard. To ensure growth you need to keep your beard moisturized, so a mixture of cocoa butter, mango butter, and coconut oil is just what you need to seal in moisture and stimulate growth. Apply a dime-size amount to your hands, warm it up (*Birdman hand rub style*) and apply evenly to your beard.

Nolaskinsentials Game Plan:
Clear Skin, Glorious Beard, Fine Bae’s in your DM's
Omega Kale Facial Cleanser: Use twice a day
Pure Hydration Moisturizer: Use twice a day (directly after cleanser)
Quench Your Beard: Use twice a day and always before the Beard Butter
Let It Grow: Use twice a day, or as needed for dry facial hair